

项目简介:孩子们都曾对星空有过幻想,星云之上是什么呢?“太空熊猫”承载孩子们的疑问, 开始踏上探索星云的梦想之旅。我们以“太空熊猫”为抽象的形式,打造成凝聚儿童主题探索区,配合攀岩球、星星摇马、弹跳床等多种不同设施,组成繁星闪闪的太空漫步场景,创造孩子们的星云奇遇。


Project introduction: Every child has fantasized about the stars. What lies above the nebulae? "Space Panda" carries the children's questions and sets out on a dream journey to explore the nebula. In the abstract form of "Space Panda", we have created a condensed children's theme exploration area. With rock climbing ball, star rocking horse, bouncing bed and other different facilities, we have formed a starry space walk scene to create children's adventures in nebula.
